Chiropractic Care and Home Remedies for Colicky Babies

Is your otherwise healthy baby crying continuously for over three hours a day, especially during the mornings and afternoons? If yes, he or she may, unfortunately, be suffering from colic, which could be defined as a sharp abdominal pain.
Starting from improper burping skills to a partially formed digestive system, doctors consider a wide range of things as triggers. While playing calming music and rubbing the belly gently helps, in this write-up, let us try exploring the more effective cures.
According to a highly competent professional offering quality yet affordable kids chiropractic care services, colic is intrinsically associated with abundant gas build-up. When your baby fails to digest the breast milk or whatever formula he or she has been consuming, a large amount of gas forms and gets trapped in the gut.
This causes stomach-ache. Chiropractic involves gentle manipulations, which boosts nerve flow to the small intestine, along with escalating peristalsis- a wavy motion in the gut muscles that pushes out the gas.
During a therapeutic trial, researchers discovered that spinal adjustments can provide utmost relief from colic. In this study, babies experiencing abdominal pain for quite some time now were divided into two groups.
The first group was given over-the-counter medication that caused about 35% decrease in crying while the second group received chiropractic care that resulted in an approximately 70% decrease in crying. Now isn’t that great?
Home Remedies
You can also pacify colicky kids through home remedies. Gently massaging their abdomen speeds up digestion. Apply a few drops of coconut, mustard, or olive on your palms, and then start rubbing in a clockwise direction. Make sure not to exert excess pressure because doing so can unnecessarily exacerbate the situation. Few more tactics include:
·         A warm bath is believed to be the best natural cure for colic. This is practised since time immemorial.
·         Warm compresses allow the gas to pass out in a seamless manner. Dip a soft towel in lukewarm water, and place it on your baby’s tummy.
·         Pedalling exercise has acquired maximum popularity. Place your baby slowly on his or her back. Then push his or her legs backwards, holding the knees. If your baby resists, stop this tactic immediately.
·         Make sure your baby feeds on each breast for a prolonged period. Remember, the milk that comes out after your baby has suckled is more nourishing.
The home remedies specified above can soothe your colicky baby to a great extent. You can enhance the outcome a tad bit more by implementing them together with spinal manipulations, which have proven beneficial for adults as well.
Many individuals have admitted treating backache, migraine, sciatica, and neck pain by chiropractic care. Wear comfortable clothing, jot down pre-existing ailments, bring health insurance information, and relax to make the most out of these sessions.  In case of any query or suggestion regarding the post, please feel free to get back to us below in the comment section.


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